Unveiling the hotel Industry insights: A visual journey through bookings, occupancy, and cancellations.
Unveiling the Hotel Industry Insights is a portfolio that offers a visual journey through the world of bookings, occupancy, and cancellations. The portfolio features a range of recent projects that delve into the data behind these areas, providing insights and analysis that are both informative and visually compelling. Visitors to the website are invited to explore these projects in depth, and to discover the rich insights that they have to offer.
In this analysis, I utilized the provided dataset to perform data visualizations to fulfill several requirements related to the hotel industry. Here is a summary of the visualizations created:
Comparing Number of Resorts and Hotel Bookings: A visual comparison was made to showcase the number of resorts and hotel bookings worldwide. This visualization provides insights into the distribution and popularity of each accommodation type.
Breakdown of Market by Booking Segments: A visualization was created to display the breakdown of market segments in terms of booking types. This allows for a comprehensive understanding of the customer composition across different segments.
Occupancy Rate of Rooms for Each Day of the Week: A visualization was generated to present the occupancy rate of rooms for each day of the week. This provides valuable insights into high and low demand periods, aiding in revenue management and capacity planning.
Cancellation Rate Over Time: A visual representation was created to showcase the cancellation rate over a specific time period. This visualization helps identify trends and patterns in booking cancellations, enabling effective strategies to mitigate cancellations.
Relationship Between Lead Time and Booking Cancellation: A visualization was developed to explore the relationship between lead time (the time between booking and check-in) and booking cancellations.
This allows for an analysis of how lead time affects the likelihood of cancellations.
2014-2017 Number of Bookings Over Time Using Market Bookings: A visualization was designed to illustrate the number of bookings over a four-year period (2014-2017) using market bookings. This provides insights into booking trends and growth over time.
Average Cancellation with Respect to Waiting List Period for Different Types of Rooms: A visualization was created to examine the average cancellation rate based on the waiting list period for various room types. This helps identify if room type and waiting list duration impact cancellation rates.
These visualizations provide valuable insights into different aspects of the hotel industry, including market segmentation, demand patterns, cancellations, and booking trends.